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Bikes, electric scooters and public transport available.
Not to mention how enjoyable is walking on the sunny side of the street!

Look for vegan, seasonal and local products, there are lots of them!

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Thanks for keeping the city clean!

We believe that playing music and dancing can change our environment. We can help to reduce the climate change with all our actions, we just have to be concious, speak about it, help others and put our attention in the only thing that really matters: our planet. Check out our organization Música pel Clima for more details.

If you want to help us in this mission, you can buy our merchandising so you will be supporting our movement not only economically, but also spreading the word of our slogan:


We want to dilude any differences between genders. The swing scene has been strongly marked by gender differences such as leader = man and follower = woman. This has become an old times thing, but still we need to emphasize that we no longer make such differences in our vocabulary, in the classes and in the dancefloor.
We also want to support every artist woman in the scene, who always have more difficulties to make themselves visible in a world where patriarchy has imposed its rules for many centuries.

Gosia Aniolkowska